About us

Grupo Rifac

- About us -

We started in 2009 as a non-profit association, being our premise working from the family to impact the community from different social settings, family, school and work environments.

With a high sense of social responsibility, we develop programs and projects in family settings of personal development and we seek to contribute to a better quality in the individual and the family. We also generate opportunities to the integral development of the people, as in their communities.

Contact us and together
let's team up.

The family our most
important objective.

Conoce Happy Home
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RIFAC is a committed association to finding and providing solutions to people, being the family our most important objective, by giving the necessary resources to solve their problems.

Family restoration

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We are an organization committed to transparency with the vision of giving attention to the families, training and providing the necessary resources for their development.

A transparent organization